Commonwealth Green Low-Income Housing Coalition (CGLIHC) helps low-income housing nonprofits lower utility costs and carbon output by accessing new clean energy tools from Massachusetts and other providers. CGLIHC initiatives have led to lower energy costs for housing providers, freeing up resources that can be reallocated to programming or new housing for clients in need. CGLIHC also advocates and educates for better energy policies for low-income housing. Our steering committee of advocates and allies promotes better policies for the future by serving as members on the Governor’s Global Warming Solutions Act Advisory Implementation Committee and through other advocacy and educational activities.
Dave McMahon
David has been co-executive Director of Dismas since 1998. He has helped to build an infrastructure of support for homeless ex-offenders in greater Worcester which has included the launch of Father John Brooks House, the Dismas Family Farm, the community-wide legal support program BAR None, and a community organizing and advocacy partnership that works on issues affecting the lives of former offenders in our city. He launched the Health Foundation synergy initiative Worcester Initiative for Supported Reentry (WISR) which served reentering inmates on Superior Court Probation. He has co-chaired the Restorative Justice Coalition to codify restorative justice practices into the criminal justice system statewide, and also has helped numerous nonprofits build solar, clean heat, water conservation, and other energy efficiency measures into their housing to both reduce their costs and carbon imprint. As a result of this work, David served on the Governor’s Access to Affordable Energy Initiative steering committee to develop new pathways for low-income communities to build energy efficiency and solar into housing statewide. Currently, he is a member of the Global Warming Solutions Act Advisory and Implementation Committee in Massachusetts, charged with developing a response to climate change and resilience.